3368 Mogami instrumental cable
- 3368 is a new cable designed for truly high performance sound while simultaneously being rugged enough for live stage and performance use.
It is cheaper in a set!

Reference Instrument Mogami instrumental cable
The large diameter cable is designed with lower capacitance for purest possible sound, while not being so low to cause performance porblems by being outside the design range of available instrument pickups. Coaxial configuration gives the most accurate tone.
A challenge for large diameter coaxial cables is that the center conductor must move inside the structure when cable is flexed, so such cables can be delicate when handled roughly. The proprietary composite braid shield structure of 3368 makes the cable quite rugged, and this new design maintains fexibility and performance even when used in a stage and touring enviroinment.
A new method has been used to keep handling noise extremely low, so this cable can be used for any applicarion where high impedance circuits (guitar pickups, sensor cables) with very low loss are needed.